See things in the present, even if they are in the future.

We are ready to start a project of any complexity.

Website Promotion

Promotion services in organic search results: classic SEO by positions, traffic and semantic core promotion, search visibility increase, SEO audits and other activities related with site optimization for search engines.


Search Engine Optimization on Request

We select a list of the most effective queries. Basing on this list we create all necessary conditions to place your site at the first pages of search engines. You get effective coverage of the target audience (basing on chosen adwords), as well as additional coverage of topics with similar and related phrases.


Search Visibility Promotion

The service is aimed to increase the site position on a wide semantic core, which is composed of hundreds of search queries individually for your site. The result is a significant improvement in the search visibility of the site by subject and bringing it to high positions on most semantic core queries.

Search Engine Promotion by Traffic

Search Engine Promotion by Traffic

We measure the current level of site traffic and calculate the cost of each new transition over the current level of site traffic. You pay only for the actual target transitions from the search engines over the basic site attendance, but not above the agreed maximum level.

Beginning SEO-site Optimization

Beginning SEO-site Optimization

The start-up promotion service includes a detailed SEO-audit of the site and the subsequent work on preparing the site for full-fledged promotion: adding SEO-functionality, upgrading the program code, optimizing for mobile devices, even if necessary, replacement of CMS.

Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing is responsible for the site effectiveness. Internet Marketing is a mandatory business tool nowadays. Business reputation and commercial results depends directly on level how professionally this tool is used.

Site Conversion Audit

You need a conversion audit of the site, if at least one of the questions you are answered by “Yes”:

  1. Your site has high traffic, but there are few applications or purchases?
  2. You are disappointed in the effectiveness of online advertising and SEO-promotion?
  3. You want to place a new service or product on your existing website?
  4. You need work with the reputation of your company on the web?

The conversion audit includes following services:

Internet Advertising

We specialize in complex solutions that help the business of our customers develop. Already at the planning stage of advertising campaigns we produce a comprehensive analysis of the audience and customer services and select the optimal types of advertising tools. A lot of formats for advertising and audience targeting allow you to interact subtly with the target audience at all levels of sales of the product / service. Numerous settings, competitive intelligence and analytics make advertising campaigns effective.


Contextual advertising

With the help of contextual advertising, you can solve any task of goods promotion, targeting both the real and mobile audience.


Media advertisement

Modern media advertising is a flexible tool to influence the target audience (TA). It includes: banner, video and audio advertising.


In social networks

Advertising on social networking sites, such as Facebook (, Instagram (, etc.


Targeted advertising

Modern technologies allow you to flexibly configure the sample of the audience for targeted display of advertising.

Investments and Factoring

One of the main strategies of our company is that we are interested into diversification of fund placement with various financial instruments, as the actual activity of the company is highly profitable. The activity is implemented on the base of down payments/prepaid expenses and it allows forming short and long term liquidity, which doesn’t bring any income, itself. MediaVC has the goal to diversify the activity, and in order to reach this goal, the management is continuously looking for investment projects and the possibility of short and long term placement of funds.

We choose our clients according to the following priorities:

1. Long term investments in real sector, purchase of commercial real estate, financial retail sale;
2. Participation in the capital of fast growing enterprises;
3. Provision of target loans, commercially attractive on the prepaid base;
4. Operations on different types of factoring within trading;
5. Provide services on a paid short-term basis under a trusted and reliable contract where there is deferment of payment.

How to work with us?

In case of investments, we need the following information:

  1. Company presentation and profile;
  2. Financial reports for the last three years;
  3. Business Plan;
  4. Information about company’s pledge;
  5. Information on insurance of commercial risk of the company.

As for factoring, application review goes in several stages:

  1. You send us the request;
  2. We address you additional questions;
  3. We decide whether we work with your company or not, if yes we:
    − Analyze the solvency of company’s debtors;
    − Set limits, within which we are ready to finance supplies and cover your credit risks.
  4. We sign a contract between our and your company;
  5. You debtors sign the notification;
  6. You make deliveries of products on a deferred payment basis and receive financing on any day after submission of documents that confirm the delivery.

About Us

We are professionally develope all types of websites and execute its promotion on the Internet. We love our work and do it with high quality.

Our Goal

We are striving to become the leading company in Europe, providing services of search engine promotion of sites, contextual advertising and other types of effective Internet advertising.

We are confident that we will achieve the goals set by the company, thanks to the knowledge of our customers’ needs, the work of highly qualified specialists, the continuous application of new technologies and the systematic approach to the development of the company.

Company Mission

Our mission is to help the development of business by using all the possibilities of the Internet space. We want the level of work of our company to inspire trust, respect and sympathy of the society.

MediaVC Values

Result oriented

Remember that the result of our work is important! Not the process, but the result!

Continuous development

Never stand still – strive for new achievements, knowledge, results. Strive to become the best! Always learn something new yourself, without waiting for you to submit new information.


Be initiative in everything, whether it’s work on a project, or some processes that need to be changed or improved. Do not give up if some of your initiatives are not implemented. Offer solutions and improve instead of silent or complaining.

Honesty and openness

Remember that power is in truth. Errors can be understood and corrected. You can not forgive a lie.

Team spirit

Our overall success depends on team spirit, mutual assistance, cohesion, benevolent atmosphere. We are strong one by one, but together we are invincible.

The rule of four “self”

  • Self-organization. Prioritize tasks: do not be distracted by the secondary, even if the secondary is much more interesting and pleasant.
  • Self-independence. Try to solve your problems yourself before asking for help. Remember that no one will solve your problem better than you yourself.
  • Self-learning. Remember – it is impossible to teach, you can only learn.
  • Self-motivation. The effectiveness and result of your work depends only on your inner motivation. No one motivates you better than you yourself.

Humor, a positive attitude to life and work. Work should be fun :)!

Get In Touch!

We are looking forward to start a project with you!

We are confident that we will achieve the goals set by the company, thanks to the knowledge of our customers’ needs, the work of highly qualified specialists, the continuous application of new technologies and the systematic approach to the development of the company.

Warsawa, Mokotowska 15A, of 21